What is a Chiropractor?
Chiropractors are musculo-skeletal experts. They assess, diagnose and treat ALL MSK conditions. Meaning that they treat any nerve, joint, muscle, tendon, ligament complaint from your jaw to your toes! They do not just treat the spine!
Our Process
Our chiropractors are experts in providing you with a proper diagnosis and plan of management. Your diagnosis and plan of care will be based on a thorough history and physical examination consisting of neurological, orthopaedic and functional testing. Following your diagnosis a plan of care best suited for you will be created. Your plan of care will consist of treatments to get you moving and feeling better as well as education on your diagnosis and strategies to get you moving better on your own. If we think you could benefit more from someone else, a referral will be made. At any stage in the initial assessment you can let our chiropractors know if you are nervous for treatment - there are multiple techniques and options they can use for treatment!
Jaw pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Postural strain
Lower back pain
Nerve pain
Hip/knee/ankle/ foot pain
Sports injuries
Motor vehicle accidents
and much more!
we treat

New Brunswick Chiropractic Association - https://nbchiropractic.ca/
Canadian Chiropractic Association - https://chiropractic.ca/
Chiropractic Education - https://www.cmcc.ca/