Station Street Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy, in our view, is the strategic application of exercise, movement, education, and hands-on physical treatments with the goal of pain reduction and improved function. Physiotherapy treatment can be applied in an injury management setting or preventatively, but in either case is geared towards maintaining health and improving quality of life. Simply put, the goal of physiotherapy is to help you hurt less and move more.
Our physiotherapists process
Our physiotherapists pride themselves on quality time spent with patients and that starts from day one in the clinic. Your initial assessment serves as the time for us to get to know you, your health history, your pain or injury, your treatment goals and to hear your questions and concerns. After your initial assessment your physiotherapist will create a personalized treatment plan that considers all of the YOU factors. Maybe that looks like an intensive daily exercise program that gets you back on the court for playoffs, or maybe it’s some simple workplace mobility exercises that get you to the weekend; it all comes back to you and your goals! The process looks a little bit different for each and every one of our patients and it may have you in the clinic for regular follow up treatments, or it may not. The only sure thing about our process is that you come first and we promise to take the time to listen.
Conditions WE treat
Post-surgical Rehabilitation
Knee/Hip Replacement
Shoulder/Rotator cuff surgery
“Prehabilitation” (strengthening before surgery)
Sports injuries
Neck pain
Low back pain
Ligament injuries
Tennis elbow
Plantar fasciitis
Joint sprains
Motor vehicle accidents
Concussions (Post-grad. training)
Not injured, I just want to move more, feel better and create a healthier lifestyle!
And much more

New Brunswick Physiotherapy Association - https://nbphysioassociation.net/
Canadian Physiotherapy Association - https://physiotherapy.ca/
Education - https://www.dal.ca/faculty/health/school-of-physiotherapy.html