Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Station Street Physiotherapy
Pelvic floor physiotherapy is evidenced based treatment of common pelvic health concerns such as incontinence, pelvic pain, and pre/post natal care. It involves a comprehensive and gentle assessment which may include both external and internal evaluation to best determine the cause of your symptoms. You will then receive a personalized treatment plan to help meet your goals.
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists can treat:
Pelvic organ prolapse
Low back pain
Tailbone pain
Pelvic girdle pain
Pain with intercourse
Diastasis recti
Pre and postnatal care which includes education for birth prep, delivery and postpartum recovery
Commonly asked questions:
Why may an internal exam be recommended?
Pelvic floor muscles are just like any other muscle in the body and it is best to assess them with palpation to determine their strength, tone, laxity and tenderness.
Do I have to have an internal exam?
An internal exam is NOT mandatory
What does an internal exam consist of?
If you choose to have an internal exam, the physiotherapist will first take a very detailed history and will ask for your consent before proceeding with the exam. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time. After receiving consent, the therapist will leave the room and ask you to undress from the waist down. You will then lay on the table with a sheet draped over your waist. When the therapist re-enters the room they will begin the exam by first observing and assessing external structures, and then inserting one or two fingers (gloved) into the vaginal opening. Internally, the physiotherapist will be able to assess your strength, tone, laxity and integrity of the tissues and muscles. You are allowed to withdraw your consent and stop the exam at any time.
Can I come to my appointment while on my period?
Yes. While some people choose to wait until their period is over to have an internal exam, you can still have the exam done while on your period. Do what you are most comfortable with.
Can I bring someone with me to my appointment or treatment?
Absolutely. Our goal is to make all our patients feel safe and heard. If bringing a trusted person to your appointments help you achieve this, we fully support that decision.
Can I bring my child with me?
Of course. While you may get more out of the assessment or treatment without your little one there, we fully understand it is difficult to get child care and we are more than happy to see your little one.
Pelvic Health Solutions - https://pelvichealthsolutions.ca/
Uro Sante - https://physiourosante.com/